Slow Burn
Interdisciplinary creative enquiry, materialism and curation collide to form a research project that explores slow making, slow thinking, slow viewing.
Firstly, a 5-month interdisciplinary research project designed to focus on my arts practice beyond dance. Working in conversation with renown artists Fionn Mulholland, Tarryn Gill & Renée Newman, the project is mainly focused on professional development through creative exploration, conceptually focused on the embodied & visual impact of physically being in the natural landscape. I will then translate & respond to these experiences through the other art forms within my broader arts practice (text, drawn image & textile sculpture). These outcomes will then form a small body of work known as Slow Burn. The project occurs over a long period in order to explore the impact of time on the physical, visual & sensorial memory of being in the landscape. The final body of work will be formed of abstract topographical drawings, woven textile sculptures, altered audio responses & segments of raw digital data from site visits. When viewed collectively this body of work will form an ambiguous reflection of our natural world, it’s visual rhythms, textural compositions & natural movement. The body of work will demonstrate the choreographic potential found in the landscapes & in the non-dance based art forms utilised.
Secondly, following this 5-month period Slow Burn research enters into a SEED Residency at State Theatre Centre of WA with dancers Ella-Rose Trew and Isabella Stone. SEED Residencies are made possible by STRUT Dance Organisation.